What Is Serial Monogamy?

Couple smiling at each other

Today, we all have at least one friend who can’t seem to stay single, even for a while. He or she always has someone by their side and is rarely seen alone in gatherings, events, and other social circles. If this is you, you must reflect on how you’ve handled past relationships and how your family or friends perceive you. Have you recently broken up with someone and went crazy until you found someone else? Or if you’re the one initiating a breakup, is there someone else waiting for you?

If the above descriptions match your previous or current experiences, you can be considered a serial monogamist, someone who can’t be single for a while and jumps from one person to the next. A similar person is called a serial dater, who goes from one relationship to the next but is looking to have some fun before settling down.

The difference is clear here because a serial monogamist, despite their numerous past relationships, is ready to commit. A serial dater might call their divorce lawyer in Colorado Springs after seeing the early signs of a long-term relationship. This doesn’t mean that serial monogamists are extra clingy. They know what makes relationships end. They also don’t give up easily, not calling it quits even after a major fight or misunderstanding with their partner. These behaviors separate those who date just to have a good time.

Finding love is a challenge, whether it be finding it with somebody or finding it yourself.

woman relaxing under the sun

The One Who’s Single

This article is not meant to put anyone in a box and judge people for the choices they make. People have a multitude of reasons to remain single, such as finding themselves and engaging in self-reflection before getting back in the game. Whether or not people are struggling to be in a relationship, here are some valid points to reflect on:

  • The lack of confidence is a major obstacle in everyday life, not just in relationship building but in seeing ourselves in a more assertive position. Once people start developing self-esteem, they’ll be able to engage more people confidently and present themselves much better.
  • As people age, they start entering a bubble, tired of all the parties and events they once enjoyed years earlier. Being financially and practically secure also means setting into a routine. While having me-time and remaining in your comfort zone is good, remember that there are more opportunities beyond the walls of a house.
  • After many failed relationships, people tend to create lists of what to avoid and what to expect when a new relationship blossoms. People have many reasons why they hold their defenses up.

Love Beyond Relationships

In the end, people can choose to find intimacy by themselves or with other people because being in a relationship or being single is always a choice. While some find comfort in others and find true love with a partner, others still try to get there or are simply not ready for it.

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