Guidelines for Matching Your Floor to Your Décor Style

Placing tiles

Interiors are no longer filled with simple, functional pieces and finished in ways that suit a property owner’s budget. Nowadays, the choice of virtually everything in your interiors is based on a décor style. Most people assume that their décor style is primarily based on wall finishes, furniture, and the colors they incorporate in their interiors. They thus will pick the cheapest floor option on the market rather than one that matches their décor style.

Others will pick what they assume are practical, like wooden floors that will undergo floor sanding by a London-based dealer to suit them for slippery spaces. These assumptions leave the floors looking misplaced in an otherwise well-coordinated décor style.

The following are guidelines on picking the floors for different décor options.


This style started in the 1800s but gained popularity in the 1920s. The modern style is hinged on simplicity and uses natural construction materials and neutral colors, including grays, whites, and blacks. With flooring, remember that modernism favors an open floor design and furniture on legs to create an uncluttered look. The ideal floor here is a hardwood floor in neutral colors like gray or light brown with very light stains. This complements the look of uncluttered spaces.


This style is the leading choice for those who want their interiors to exude comfort and warmth. Though it started in the 1700s, the traditional style is still prevalent. It looks formal, and most of the furniture exudes a European style. The furniture features rounded edges rather than sharp lines, and the rooms are in deep greens, reds, and browns. For an added interior warmth to your style, you should ideally settle for dark flooring. Opt for hardwood, laminate, vinyl, or engineered wood flooring in dark stains. Tiles, even in dark colors, will often look cold and muddle your interior look.


Since its inception in the 2000s, this option shows no signs of going out of style. Industrial décor focuses on brick and wood that makes your rooms look edgy and natural and reclaimed furniture pieces. Metallic finishes and cement also form a part of your furniture. The industrial look pairs with tiles or distressed wood floors. The tiles should ideally look cement-like while engineered wool and laminate work for the wood floors.


Different types of flooring

This style began in beach houses in New England in the 1800s but is now used even in mainland properties. The rooms in this style are airy and large, and color schemes are primarily blues, tans, grays, and whites. Most of the furniture is unfinished, raw wood. A wooden floor with a light natural look is the best choice in a coastal décor style. It should ideally be laminate or engineered wood.

It is typical to convince yourself to pick a floor that fits your budget and looks good when shopping for one. Before you leave for your shopping, select the décor style you want from the above and check what floor will work best with it. This way, you will not be swayed into picking a floor that looks out of place with your décor.

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