Insurance Email Marketing: Top Strategies You Should Practice

Email marketing concept

Businesses are now using a variety of platforms to promote their brand online, including email marketing. In 2018, this form of marketing remains to be the most effective marketing channel. You might feel that email marketing is very simple, but the reality is you need many trials and mistakes to determine what works best for the insurance agency.

As there is not enough time to try different insurance email marketing strategies, here are some important tactics you should practice.

Keep the Content Short

The shortcut is the key to the content of the email because the purpose of the email is to urge readers to take the necessary steps: they like your Facebook page, complete a quote form, and other actions. Ensure that what you write is brief and precise. The usual subscriber reads an email in fewer than 10 seconds. Perform these 10 seconds by providing compelling, verifiable information and a persuasive call to action.

Include links to the social media page and, most significantly, links to a home page where subscribers can take the action you want. Ensure to link your photos to your main page.

Avoid Landing on Spam Folders of the Receivers

It is a time wastage to create an electronic mail that goes straight to the spam folder of the subscriber. There are several ways to land there. One is to use terms like “act now”, “free”, and “show” in the topic line and content. Second is the use of many punctuations, or capital letters in the topic line.

It is important to conform to the laws of CAN-SPAM. Doing so will reduce the ability to send email messages in the receiver’s spam folders.

Direct Emails to Stages in the Insurance Purchase Cycle

Sending email messages in line with the stages of the purchase cycle means sending the correct message to the correct subscriber. Here are some examples:

Welcome emails: individuals who first register are in the first stage of the purchase cycle. What they require is a welcome message to set the air. Welcome emails appear in many forms. The main aim is to offer a warm welcome and prepare the expectations for the kinds of emails that a subscriber can expect in the coming months.

Nurture Emails: It can be a series of emails designed to serve potential customers in the sales process. It is important to show recipients what your organization can offer for products, added value, and services, among others. These ought to focus heavily on your call to action, such as completing a free quote form or getting in touch with the agent or CSR.

Active Emails: you must send these emails after the subscriber has taken specific measures that show their willingness to buy, such as completing a free quote form on the website. The aim should be to take the lead to the next stage: buy a policy. These email messages are a good opportunity to provide more information to assist you to decide.

Using Email for Retaining

E-Mail Marketing Concept

Do not be scared to find an actual way to keep your organization’s trademark in front of your customers throughout the year. Quarterly insurance guidelines or bulletins are an excellent way to provide useful and engaging information, taking into account your brand. Intermittent weather alerts and birthday emails, which are sent on each customer’s birthday, can be successful in keeping tools. The most important thing is to ensure that each email has a precise purpose that increases value, not junk to the receiver’s inboxes.

Finally, if you aim to turn email subscribers into customers, keep existing customers or find new subscribers, email is an active way to do it. Industry studies have repeatedly shown how effective email is to keep your brand in front of customers and persuade them to make a start.

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