What to Prioritize as You Grow Older

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Tackling every aspect of your life all at once is impossible. This is not one of those things you can multitask, especially if you want to do it right. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should just work on one aspect per decade, as there’s no knowing how much time you have left on Earth. This article can guide you in figuring out what is most important according to your current age.

Saving in Your Twenties

It doesn’t matter how much or how little you have to save. Start early so that your money, no matter how meager, can grow. Experts have already explained that it’s better to save small than to wait for a bigger disposable income, thinking you can catch up. Besides, it’s also a good habit to learn early on.

When you start saving as early as in your twenties, which is when most people get their first job, you will mature into a financially responsible adult. From now on, save what you can, and watch your money grow over time. In fact, adopt a save-first attitude, where you set aside a percentage of your income every month instead of just saving whatever is left after you have already spent on luxuries.

Securing Your Home in Your Thirties

Asian Family

In your twenties, especially in Filipino culture, you can still get away with living in your parents’ house. However, when you reach your thirties, it’s time to get serious about putting down your own roots. You might not be eyeing the traditional home setup because you think it does not fit your lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean that you should be content living the life of a renter.

A condominium for sale sounds like a good idea at this point in your life, especially if it’s in a bustling hub such as Ortigas. The location and the type of property will fit most millennials who are starting to think about their future as adults. Ortigas is also a great place to socialize, which perfectly balances your work life in the city.

Investing in Your Forties

With savings you’ve started two decades earlier and retirement two decades away, your forties is the perfect time to slow down and build something that can set you up for your later years. You don’t want to think about your retirement as a time in your life that marks the end of you earning money, which makes your forties the perfect time to dabble in businesses of your own.

You can come up with a startup if you have a great idea, but if you want something more structured, consider franchising. Your options run the gamut from inexpensive food carts to established food chains. Take your pick and use your savings wisely to see your money grow even more just in time to retire comfortably.

There is no single age to consider an adult. As you cross one decade of your life to proceed to the next, make sure you are prepared for expenses and hurdles that can come your way.

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