Types of Massage Chairs

woman relaxing on the massaging chair

With a huge percentage of jobs nowadays requiring prolonged sitting or standing, musculoskeletal and soft tissue issues are becoming prevalent. There have been different care approaches designed for the ease of the discomfort associated with these conditions and the prevention of adverse effects. You can however now get your muscles and bones relaxed and realigned after a long day right in your home’s comfort without spending a dime.

This is by investing in one of the available massage chairs online. These are specialized seats meant to provide the benefit of a massage without a massage therapist in the equation. Massage chairs are broadly classified into consumerist and professional. Professional chairs are portable and used by massage therapists. These are purely functional and designed for the masseuse’s easy access to your shoulders, neck, and back during the massage. Consumerist chairs can be therapeutic to ease chronic pain or hobbyist for comfort. Here are the types of consumerist massage chairs you can get today.

Full Body Massage Chairs

These are the most common option and are designed to massage all parts of your body using roller and airbag massage techniques. There are several full body massage chair types, but most massage the calves, feet, shoulders, body, and neck. Newer full body massage chair models even massage the arms and hands and adjust different areas of your body. They are unfortunately expensive.

Ottoman Massage Chairs

These are not the most popular among consumerist chairs since they resemble therapeutic devices. The chairs come with a retractable ottoman for a full body massage. Ottoman massage chairs hence make the best choice for people with small homes since they take up minimal floor space. They are inexpensive and will comfortably accommodate tall people since the ottoman can extend further than most massage chair options.

couple relaxing

Heated Massage Chairs

These are considered among the most luxurious options available. Heat therapy is a renowned form of therapy for muscle soreness and tension. Heated massage chairs combine heat therapy with a massage to give you exceptional relaxation and comfort. The rollers on the chairs heat to give you a warmed massage session. There are high and low-end heated massage chairs, and hence you are guaranteed to find one that fits your budget.

Air Massage Chairs

These chairs, unlike other massage chair types, use airbags rather than rollers to massage you. They are just as comfortable as other chairs and will massage your feet, legs, arms, and arms. They offer a softer massage experience than other massage chairs. They are best suited for relaxation after intense activities like workouts.

Zero Gravity Massage Chairs

These chairs give you a similar experience and body posture to that of astronauts floating in space. They hence enable inversion therapy for your spine and soothe your back while improving your general posture. Though costly, zero gravity massage chairs are the best for those who have spinal cord and back problems.

The benefits of the above massage chairs go beyond relaxation and relief of joint pains. They will also stimulate the release of endorphins and thus help relieve your psychological stress. A massage chair is hence the best investment you can get for your general body health.

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