Simple Ideas for Designing a Small Backyard

You don’t need a big space to make a beautiful backyard. Sometimes, the smaller your yard is, the more well-maintained it can be. With a small space, you don’t have to spend much time pruning and watering the plants. So whether you live in a house, apartment, townhouse, loft, or condo, you can still create a gorgeous Eden of flowers, shrubs, plants, and even water features.

Container Gardens

Landscaping is all about innovativeness. If you live in a high-rise condominium building, you don’t have a yard to speak of in the first place. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy gardening. Have you heard about container gardening? You can turn your balcony into a container garden, where you will grow plants, flowers, herbs, and even vegetation in stylish containers. You can do this even if you have a ground to plant the flowers into. It’s really up to you on how you can maximize the little space you have.

Vertical Space

You cannot limit yourself by the space you have in your backyard. Think about installing a bamboo wall on one side of your property. You can use this wall to attach containers wherein your succulents, herbs, flowers, and vegetables can grow. This is a great idea for city dwellers, too, who want to create a high wall between the outside world and their properties.

Hanging Garden

Thankfully, plants can be suspended from beams, walls, and posts. You can hang seasonal plants from your patio’s ceiling and beams. This will create an unusual oasis for small yards. Most hanging gardens are great for seasonal vegetables, other edibles, and decorative flowering plants.

Deck or Patio

If you only have a small yard where to grow plants and herbs, perhaps you can use that to build a patio or a deck instead. This will serve a double purpose. If you plan to have a container garden, that’s more practical to do on a deck than on the ground. You can grow succulent plants on patios, too, because they don’t need to be watered that much. The deck can also provide shade for succulent plants when needed.

small backyard with pool

Outdoor Kitchen and Dining

Do you love having guests? If there’s still a little extra corner, perhaps you can add a small kitchen and dining area. You can put an outdoor grill, a small table, and a counter. You can even grow a small herb garden, so you’ll always have access to flavorful herbs while you cook for your guests.

Private Garden

City dwellers also crave outdoor space. However, they’re not too fond of the idea of gardening while people walk around the block. If this is the kind of space you have, consider putting up high walls and climbing plants. This will create a sense of seclusion. Create a private garden in the middle of a busy city block.

There are many great ideas for small gardens and backyards, but you can start with these things for now. The idea of having a garden is to create a small oasis of nature in your property. This is such a great space both for welcoming guests and just being on your own.

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