Making the Least Favorite Household Chores Manageable

hand holding cleaning spray

Many people hate household chores; unfortunately, your home will eventually need a deep clean. You cannot put off the task indefinitely and will eventually have to roll up your sleeves and get on with it.

Can you relate to this list of housework hell?

Cleaning the Bathroom and Toilet

If not cleaned regularly, the bathroom becomes home to germs that threaten health and hygiene. You don’t want guests judging you by the filthy state of your bathroom. Scrubbing the tub, bowl, and bathroom tiles are time-consuming and messy tasks. Nobody likes to do it, but it needs to get done. Maybe the best way around the problem is to seek professional help. A tile and grout cleaning service would make the problem go away and leave shining, disinfected surfaces.

Cleaning the Windows

Cleaning the windows is another physical chore. It can be somewhat hazardous if you’re balanced precariously on a ladder with a bucket and rag. Each pane may only take a minute to wipe down, but removing the streaks on the glass takes longer. Tried and tested tips are available to prevent this from happening. One of them is to use a water-vinegar solution in equal proportions.

laundry basket full of clothes


Even with a modern, powerful, eco-friendly washing machine, the time-consuming labor remains the same. Hauling baskets of dirty clothes; sorting and dividing lights, darks, cotton and synthetics; figuring out what needs to be hand-washed; checking all the socks pair off. Then, you keep tabs on the wash cycle, so you transfer to the dryer without leaving the clothes molding in the drum. Finally, the clothes require ironing and folding. The cycle of laundry is never-ending. The good news is that like-minded people have developed life-saving hacks to keep your sanity intact and your garments clean.

Washing the Dishes

This chore is a source of dispute among many couples. Despite an increase in the number of times husbands spend doing the dishes compared to previous decades, the wife still does the majority of the workload. Dishwashing is considered an unpleasant, gross and sticky task. This is because of the need to deal with leftovers, sauces, and other things found in plates and pans. So, how to deal with it? Not letting the leftovers build-up and become encrusted on the plate or pan is the first step. Let them soak if removing the grime requires more elbow grease than dish soap. A good sponge, scrubbing brush and other dishwashing materials are your friends in the kitchen, too. Lastly, a positive mindset shifts things. Try mindful dishwashing; many reluctant pan scrubbers have found it a good way to relieve stress. Of course, a dishwasher solves much of the grimy problem, although arguments over whose turn it is to load and unload create a new layer of conflict

Household chores sometimes feel daunting need to be done. The more you put it off, the harder the task becomes when you eventually succumb to the need for cleanliness. So, develop a daily routine and don’t fight the inevitable.

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