Here Are Three Types of Excavators

Construction team on site

Excavators or diggers are some of the most versatile types of engineering equipment. They can be useful in construction, mining, and agriculture. They also have a place in niche industries such as gardening or landscaping. They are also available in different styles and functions. To figure out which digger is ideal for your needs and business, consider the following:

1. Mini Diggers

Mini diggers are also compact excavators. These are types of equipment that weigh up to 8.5 tonnes, although it’s not impossible to find those that 10 tonnes and above.

They have a slimmer build, but they pack a high horsepower. They can also feature a tracked system, which makes them capable of climbing hilly or challenging-to-navigate terrains.

A compact excavator usually comprises of three primary parts. These are the house, workgroup, and the undercarriage. The house is where the driver is, as well as the hydraulic pump, which plays a significant role in the machine’s function. The undercarriage is the one that provides support for both the workgroup and the house. It features rollers, idlers, and steel tracks. The rest then makes up the workgroup, which already includes the claw, boom swing, and other attachments.

These types of excavators are in demand, but they can also be expensive. Medium- to small-scale engineering businesses can opt for a mini digger for hire. It provides them with the flexibility as they can lease it short or long term. They can also choose among the different sizes or weights. The lease may also include attachments:

  • Grab or Clamp Buckets – These are attachments that feature a pair of clamps with an excellent grip. These are ideal for collecting or lifting odd-shaped materials.
  • Rock Breakers – These refer to attachments that can manage large or hard rock structures (or both). They feature a percussion hammer powered by hydraulics.
  • Rippers – These can function as a rock breaker since they can also crush them, but their primary use is in challenging types of soil or terrain.

2. Backhoes

Backhoe excavator on site

Some people can easily confuse backhoes and compact excavators because of their design and function. Both are useful for digging. They also feature a boom swing and a house.

Their most significant difference is their versatility. Backhoes are ideal for light to medium work as compact excavators tend to have more horsepower. They can also utilise attachments such as a loader, but you may be able to use more with a mini digger.

3. Suction Excavators

Suction excavators feature a suction pipe instead of the claws in mini diggers and backhoes. They also have teeth, which can cut through tough material such as soil.

The primary purpose of these excavators is to syphon materials, whether solids or liquids, inside the holes. Their suction power can be as strong as 100 metres per second. They may also feature various suctions to speed up the extracting process.

Excavators are not created equal. Some of them do the work more effectively or efficiently than the others. Knowing the differences will help you decide which of these will be worth the investment. Know when cash flow is tight, you can consider hiring them first. This will give you the chance to experience how they operate before you make a decision.

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