Ensuring That You Don’t Spend Too Much on Electricity in Your Factory

factory worker

Manufacturing consumes a large amount of power. This can be bad for you as the owner, especially if you have to pay the electricity bill. If you’re looking to improve your factory’s profitability, one of the best things you can do is increase energy efficiency.

Here are some options available to you:

Lighting Made Easy

One of the easiest changes that you can make that will reduce your company’s energy expenses is to fix the lighting. Being able to see what you are doing is an essential part of working in a factory. Proper lighting is necessary for better operations so many factories invest in a large number of lights.

But there are cheaper alternatives. For example, investing in skylights and larger windows allows for better lighting during the daylight hours. As for the night, manufacturers can choose to use LED lights which use less electricity than normal. With all the lights in your facility, the small savings will add up.

Make Processing Fluids Easier

When you work with industrial fluids, you usually need them at specific temperatures. The process of heating and cooling them can be a waste though. Several pieces of equipment can make it easier for your operations to keep fluids at a particular temperature. One good example is a heavy-duty water buffer tank.

Factories often need water at a specific temperature and they would either cool or heat them when necessary. This wastes time and energy. Buffer tanks keep water at particular temperatures and then circulate it when necessary. This reduces the waiting period while also ensuring that your people don’t have to heat or cool water twice.

Implement Proper Power-Down Procedures

man working in a factory

It might seem like a basic move, but turning things off at the end of the day can be a big help with energy consumption. But it might surprise you how many companies keep their equipment running. A good example of this is your employee’s computers. They leave it on so that they can immediately start working when they sit down the next day.

But this leaves them active for eight hours. It might not seem like much but constant power usage adds up. If you do not want to pay for useless electricity usage, then be strict about powering down any equipment that is not in use.

Implement Proper Maintenance

When equipment is not at its best, it struggles to do its job. It can even end up consuming more energy than usual. If you want to be truly energy-efficient, then do proper preventative maintenance on your factory equipment. Have an annual check and cleaning of equipment in your factory. Some of them will need a good tune-up and cleaning after a year of work. The effects can be immediately noticeable. For example, clear vents will be able to transport air better than clogged ones. They also require less energy to achieve the same effect.

Improved energy usage usually means your factory is performing more for less. This can be great for your bottom line as profit margins increase. Besides that, efficient operations can also mean less wear-and-tear on your equipment. In the long run, you’ll be happy about your investment in energy efficiency.

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