Conserving Water with Interactive Tech

recycling water

Fort Worth has shed its reputation of being Texas’ water hog. It is implementing more projects to conserve water, one of which allows residents to monitor their water-use online.

Online Tracking

Fort Worth and contractor AquaMetric have installed more than 10,000 new water meters in the Summerfields neighborhood. The new meters will replace the older models over the next two years. The project is focusing on the more populated areas, so suburban cities like Keller and South Lake might have to wait until 2022 to avail of the new meters. The new metering system is called MyH20. New meters have digital displays and automatically transmit water usage data to the utility department.

Residents can keep track of their water consumption as well as spot discrepancies that could indicate leaks through an online portal connected to the system. Residents can set a limit to their water-usage, and they will be alerted electronically (text or email) once they near the set amount. The portal is expected to be up and running within the first half of 2020. The system is expected to spur awareness on water conservation as well as to detect leaks and minimize wasted water.

Year-round Restrictions

Fort Worth has strict year-round restrictions on water-use. The city enforces a strict lawn irrigation policy that requires the optimal use of water — no runoffs on hard surfaces and adhering to tight schedules. Residents must comply with a set schedule for watering their plants: Wednesday and Saturday for even-numbered residences and Thursday and Sunday for odd-numbered ones. Watering is limited to early mornings (before 10 am) and nighttime (after 6 pm).

Conserve More Water

water pipes

Fort Worth’s restrictions might already seem adequate, but you can conserve more water with a few simple adjustments.

1. Use the Dishwasher.

Modern dishwashers are designed for optimum efficiency and minimum water usage. You might think you’re saving on water when you wash the dishes by hand, but you’re consuming five times more water.

2. Go to the Carwash.

A garden hose typically uses up 10 gallons of water a minute. Washing your car for 10 minutes results in 100 gallons of water straight to the drain. Commercial carwashes use high-pressured water in cleaning your car; the process consumes less water, and most carwashes reuse the water between washes.

3. Cut your Shower Time.

Finish four showers in less than 15 minutes. You’ll be saving water and making your housemates happy. Take your phone with you (not into the shower) and play music as you shower. 2-3 songs should be enough time for your shower, so finish before the final song ends.

4. Make Smart Poll Choices.

A typical residential pool holds close to 15,000 gallons of water. Make sure your pool isn’t leaking and call-in for quick repairs if it is. Cover your pool when it’s not being used and opt for chlorine-based cleaners instead of replacing the water.

Fort Worth is keen on water conservation, implementing projects and policies to further the cause. Follow the restrictions and do your part in conserving water.

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