5 Ways to Promote Your Auto Repair Shop

auto repair shop mechanic

Running an auto repair shop isn’t an easy task. A startup would need to acquire a consumer base whose trust in an auto repair shop would depend on the quality of service they receive, the accessibility of the shop, and of course, the shop’s expertise.

Just like in any type of business, auto repair shops have a lot to prove to attract and retain their patrons. Earning loyal clients in this type of business can be extremely beneficial. No car owner wants their car to be opened and tinkered with by different mechanics.

As someone running their own repair shop, how can you attract, keep, and satisfy clients?

Here are ways how:

1. Marketing through email.

Your consumers gravitate toward convenience. A part of proving your repair shop will bring them the convenience they’re longing for is making yourself accessible. We’re not only talking about your shop’s location, but also about how you reach out to them.

It’s more than likely that your target consumers aren’t reading newspapers. This would make newspaper marketing useless. You’d want to reach out to them with your promotions and other marketing information through something you’re sure they use: email.

In using email marketing, you’d have to do the following to make it a success:

  • Know your readers.
  • Identify their qualities.
  • Provide more value than promotions.

Knowing the recipients of your marketing emails is crucial to providing content that’ll add value to their lives. This fact makes it essential to segment them based on their qualities as consumers. It’s impossible to have a consumer base with similar interests. Making it extremely important to deliver suitable content based on your assessment.

2. Plan a follow-up program.

Your customers like it when you stay connected with them. Even after a business transaction closes, you’d benefit from following up with your customers and asking how they think about the service they received from your business.

You get the feedback you need to analyze areas that need focus and ones that need improvement. Aside from the feedback, you also create a more personal connection with your customers — which increases the trust they have in your services. That makes it likely for them to reach out to your business in the future.

The follow-up program can be through calls after the transaction, through text messages with an automated rating system, or emails.

Business meeting

3. Help your customers.

It’s important to keep in mind that your clients won’t always have the money or the time to opt for your repair shop services. This gives you the chance to still add value to their lives. You can do this by creating quick helpful videos and uploading them online.

This will help them if they get into a car problem that requires reliable tire services, but they’re too far from your shop. They can watch your videos to give them some advice on how to fix what’s in front of them.

You can directly promote your website in the videos, and you also help your customers. This gives the impression that your business is one that values car owners, cars, and quality service.

4. Reward referrals.

The quality of the service your business provides show through client referrals. This means that your clients are so satisfied that they went out of their way and recommended your business to the people they know.

As a way to thank them, you can implement a rewards program for referrals that turn into successful business transactions. The rewards don’t have to be grand, a small gesture such as a few dollars off their next transaction would do nicely.

Show your clients appreciation, you won’t regret it. Chances are that your shop will get more clients as your current ones scramble to refer and earn rewards. Just don’t forget to be mindful of people abusing reward referral programs. There should be limits during implementation.

5. Post photos.

Posting photos of successful services done for your clients — with their consent — would benefit your business. It shows current and potential clients that your shop can deliver, and you have photo evidence to prove it.

Make sure you ask for the car owner’s permission before taking photos and posting them online for public viewing. Not all of them will like it.

After getting permission, post photos detailing the service performed and the car model and make. This will tell your potential clients that you can service that specific model without hiccups.

Make the photos as informative as possible, show the car’s state before it received service and its after-service state.

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