3 Reasons That Will to Make You Want to Move Back to the City

overview of city buildings

Living in the city has plenty of advantages, especially if you live close to your place of work; proximity to work is important because it will help save you time and money. And if your goal is to get yourself a condo in Makati, then you’re heading the right way. Here are the reasons that make it a great idea — and www.prosceniumatrockwell.com will agree.

Home and Workplace Proximity

If you’re still spending hours in traffic going to and from work or hopping from one public transport to another, then you definitely need to move closer to where your place of work is, to improve your day to day.

Living where you can take a single transport to and from work, travel time takes way less an hour, and your workplace is walking distance — that’s the best living arrangement you can ever have to improve your way of life.

If you find yourself dreading going to work due to the fact that you have to sit in traffic, yet again, it’s high time for relocation to the city. Think of all the time, money, and energy you can save when you don’t have to waste time stewing in traffic — you’ll have more time to do the second point below:

More Time for Things That Matter to You

family having a picnic Time spent traveling to and from work on a daily basis accounts for a huge chunk of our daylight hours. If you’ve always wanted to take classes after work or during the weekends, it often becomes impossible because you’re either too tired by the end of the day or of the week, and would most likely devote the weekends for resting or other things that you need to catch up with.

All these things will change when you live close to right where you need to be at 9 a.m. — without having to wake up at 4:30 a.m. so that you can leave at 5:30 a.m. to make it work by 8 a.m. (if you’re lucky).

Instead, you can get a couple more hours of sleep, wake up a couple hours before you clock in and still make it on time — always. Now you can spend after work hours for something more productive like attending classes, catching up with friends and family, or getting that much-needed rest after a long day at work.

Less Stressful, More Productive Days

When you don’t have to battle it out with heavy traffic every day, you’ll see a vast improvement in your life. And because you have time for yourself and the things that you love to do, you feel happier and more content with how your day goes.

The decision of relocating to the city and in an area that’s close to everything, including where you work, will cause a positive ripple effect in other areas of your life. So if you’re still unsure about whether you should relocate or move back to the city, you definitely should.

If you’re looking for a place that you can rent-to-own, you’ll find great options in the Rockwell area. A prime spot in Makati that is within close proximity to the CBD and is in the center of a lively community.

Check out the unit options today and find one that fits your needs. With that said, here’s welcoming you back to the city in advance! Exciting days ahead!

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