10 Ways to Beat Boredom This Summer

swimming pool

With COVID-19 pretty much ruining our plans for the rest of the year, a lot of folks are looking at alternative ways to spend their summer. Say goodbye to those well-planned out-of-town or out-of-the-country trips. This year, we’re all domesticated for summer.

That’s not entirely a bad thing if you just know how to spend it right. We have listed down a few things you can do to still enjoy summer despite the global health crisis we’re faced with.

10 Summer Boredom Busters

1. Get your tourist vibe on in your hometown.
Since you can’t go global now — at least, not yet — go local instead. Enjoy your hometown’s sights and sounds and visit places you’ve never been to before.

2. Let your inner child loose.
They say you don’t stop playing because you grow old but you grow old because you stop playing. It won’t hurt to let your inner child have some fun this summer. Play games, run around the playground, buy some toys, do crazy stuff you used to enjoy when you were a kid.

3. Go on a picnic.
Go out on a picnic with your family one weekend or on a weeknight. You can do this in your backyard or at the park. Perhaps after the meal, you can enjoy a short fun game of frisbee.

4. Have a small pool party.
If you have a pool at home, you can invite a few of your friends over for a pool party. Just make sure your pool pH control systems are already set beforehand.

5. Learn a few new things.
Nothing takes away boredom than getting into something new and exciting. You can spend this time to learn some new things or take up a new interest.


6. Rekindle a hobby.
If you had a hobby before but you had to stop because life happened, it’s never too late to go back and rekindle it, whatever your hobby was.

7. Or get into a new one.
In line with the above-mentioned activity, you may even pick up a new hobby that’s completely different from your other hobbies. There are tons of interesting activities that hobbyists are into nowadays. There’s no shortage of fun and new things to get into.

8. Remodel your place.
It’s a lofty project but if you schedule it properly throughout the summer, it is possible. You can redo your kitchen or bedroom or create a man cave or she-shed. There are a lot of great remodeling ideas online. Pick one and get started.

9. Work on a DIY project at home.
If you’re not confident with your carpentry and painting skills, perhaps a smaller-scale project will interest you. Take on small DIY projects around the house. It’s guaranteed to be a productive way to end boredom.

10. Volunteer to help at your local community center.
There’s nothing like giving back to the community and paying it forward to people. The satisfaction one gets from helping others is good for the soul.

You can do a lot more than the things listed above. Just remember to take care of yourself and those around you by maintaining your distance from others and always washing and sanitizing your hands.

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