Workplace Injuries: Mitigating the Risk of Injuries

man falling

Whether we’re playing a sport, driving a car, or simply jogging outside, there’s going to be a slight chance that we will experience an accident. Although accidents can happen, especially when we’re not too careful, accidents can often lead to injuries, with some injuries being more serious than others. While there are minor injuries (such as paper cuts or stumbling on the floor), there are also serious injuries that can reduce an employee’s efficiency for weeks to months.

Workplace related injuries aren’t just something that can cause a slump in productivity, but this can also place your business in a bad spotlight; nobody wants to work in an environment that’s filled with hazards. If this is the case, we must discern workplace hazards while addressing business practices that might be detrimental to employees’ health.

So what are some ways of mitigating the risk of injuries in the workplace? How do we discern such problems? Here’s what you’ll need to know:

Work-Related Injuries and Compensation

When it comes to workplace injuries or vehicular accidents (often in the case of company-mandated drivers) aren’t just limited to industrial or manufacturing businesses and can still happen in offices and other facilities that might be deemed “safe” from injuries.

In the past few years, some of the most common causes of injuries in offices and other workplaces include:

  1. Overexertion – This is normally caused by lifting goods, pushing and pulling objects, and holding heavy materials.
  2. Falling and stumbling – Mainly prevalent in individuals that have to climb to heights and perform tasks in slippery and dangerous environments.
  3. Physiological bodily reaction – These are injuries related to how the body reacts to external stimuli, such as back pain, stress, and health-related conditions.

injured hand

For the most part, work-related injuries are covered by the worker’s insurance, which pays for both health care and helps employees’ income that can’t work because of their injuries. However, there is no coverage for hidden costs to the organization. This is usually reduced efficiency and having to spend more on replacing the employee that might be seriously injured. This is often the case for a lot of smaller businesses.

It’s important to note that employees that getting injured at the workplace can lead to legal repercussions. Normally, an employee will need to be compensated if they are ever injured on the business’s premises. Still, an investigation needs to take place to ensure that the “accident” wasn’t done on purpose to gain such compensations from the organization. Fortunately, personal injury lawyers can help advise and guide you on the right course of action to take for such a situation.

Strictly Imposing Safety Protocols

One of the best ways to ensure that injuries are kept at a minimum in offices and workplaces is by educating every employee of the facility about the safety protocols and policies in place. When you’re holding a seminar and training sessions, it’s important that you relate the safety protocols to their specific job and to let them know why such protocols are important.

Additionally, you’ll need to consider how to enforce these policies to all your employees. You might want to place posters on areas that most people will commonly be in, such as cafeterias and main lobbies that get a lot of foot traffic. In some cases, information campaigns are usually done through office memos and text messages to mobile devices.

No matter what you choose, you’ll need to ensure that everyone knows why they should keep themselves safe.

Addressing Hazards as Soon as Possible

Besides informing every employee in the area, it’s also important to discern and address the hazards as soon as possible. Although it might seem like slippery floors and clutter might seem like small problems, this can still be significant risks, especially in the workplace. If ever someone does slip and fall from these types of hazards, they can still make claims, especially when it comes to preventable dangers.

You might want to establish a methodical system where employees can easily deal with a hazard or report it to higher-ups if the hazard is deemed to be too dangerous to handle by themselves. Setting up a contact number that most individuals can use when reporting health and safety issues can help notify the department in charge of safety regulations.

Cultivating Safety and Health

Lastly, it’s the employer’s sole responsibility to ensure that everyone within the organization is safe and productive. This is why having a safety “culture” should be the goal of almost any business and company. Taking care of employees and giving them a good sense of responsibility in taking care of the environment can help mitigate the risk of injuries.

There are several ways of mitigating the likelihood of injuries in the workplace. The bottom line? Properly educating employees and cultivating a culture of safety and proper disposal of hazards in the workplace can definitely go a long way.

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