When Is The Right Time To Clean A Chimney?

Man on the roof of his house cleaning his chimney

The right timing for chimney maintenance and cleaning is as equally important as knowing which contractor to hire for the project.

Home owners should consider having their chimneys cleaned between late summer and early autumn. If you plan to do the project by yourself, the late summer months are a good time due to the favourable weather and safety conditions. However, having a professional do the job could be more beneficial in terms of inspecting whether you need certain repairs such as adding a chimney liner. In Connecticut, the price of installation could fall within the national average of $2,500.

Things to Check

Chimneys should be cleaned as soon as you notice falling soot and debris when you are using the fireplace. Check its interior for any signs of creosote build-up as well. Creosote originates from wood-burning fires, and it can be toxic to indoor air quality if not addressed properly. You should remove this when it becomes more than 1/4-inch thick. It is also a given for heavy furnace users to clean their furnaces more often, especially if they use unseasoned firewood.

Proper maintenance is also necessary to avoid chimney fires. The most noticeable signs include loud sounds similar to a gun shot that progresses into a rumbling noise. It is possible for an explosion to occur before a chimney fire takes place, which means maintaining a neat fireplace is a safety requirement.

Chimney sweeper on the roof of a house in an attempt of chimney sweeping

Cost Of Repairs

Routine inspections could also lead to the discovery of certain problems such as a damaged chimney liner. Home owners should expect to spend between $2,500 and $3,500 for resurfacing it. Never attempt to self-diagnose the problem for your own safety. Always ask for at least three quotes from different service providers to avoid scams.

If possible, ask for references from their previous clients. While you should not skimp on chimney liner replacement or repairs, it is also important not to spend a fortune on substandard products due to scammers and bogus professionals. You can further prevent yourself from becoming a victim by only choosing a licensed contractor.

Choosing The Right Liner

Those who are already convinced that liner repair is long overdue, there are many things to consider for the right type of material. Most home owners choose stainless steel since a lot of experts recommend it. This usually costs $65 per foot on average. Clay liners are a better choice if you are after longevity, which can last for 50 years.

This is a good choice for repelling heat and preventing corrosion. It is much cheaper at $10 per foot on average, but the cost of labor may be more expensive because of the extra labor for installation.


You should always consider hiring a professional chimney cleaner for better results and safety. Your insurance will not likely cover the damages arising from DIY projects, so the money you save from the cost of labor may not be worth the potential trouble. When choosing a contractor, find one who specializes in different kinds of masonry work.

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