Ways to Fireproof Your Home

Fireproof Home

Over the past few years, California has experienced the most destructive blazes recorded in the state’s long history of wildfires. This year, citizens from Down Under were subjected to deadly bushfires that took the lives of billions of animals across the country.

With thousands of homes burned down and billions of fatalities documented, these subsequent phenomena got people across the world concerned about the architectural structures of their homes. While those who live near danger zones are more likely to be worried about such matters, even people who reside in safer regions are advised to fireproof their properties. Here are ways to keep your home fire-resistant and improve your chances of survival:

Build a Three-coat Plaster System to Fireproof the Walls

When fireproofing your house, it is crucial to remember that nothing is entirely invulnerable to fire damage. However, you can prolong the time that your property remains standing during a blaze by prioritizing fire-resistant construction. Since your walls play a significant role in your property’s structural integrity, it’s good to start there.

Using first-rate plaster materials and tools, build a three-coat plaster system to form a fire-resistant wall. Start with a scratch coat, top it with a brown coat, and then close it off with a finish coat. The result provides a sturdy wall that will stay intact longer during a fire, giving you more time to escape.

Add Metal Doors and Windows for Extra Safety

Whether you’re looking to build a house from the ground up or refurbishing it to prepare for a disaster, it’s a good practice to add metal doors and windows for safety. Ask your trusted contractor to install roll-down metal fire doors, which you can set up to release automatically in case of fire using fusible links.

You can still opt for sliding glass doors if that’s your style, but be sure to choose wire or fire safety glass that stays intact when exposed to intense heat. As for glass windows, you can protect the exterior by installing double glazing with tempered glass.


Set Up Sprinkler Systems Wherever Possible

When making architectural design decisions, always imagine the worst-case scenario. Apart from following building regulations, it’s good to practice and implement additional safety measures that will keep you safe in the event of natural or human-made disasters. One great idea is to set up sprinkler systems in as many areas in your property. Like roll-down metal fire doors, sprinklers automatically turn themselves on via a fusible link. Set them up on vulnerable areas, like the roof, patios, and decks.

Additionally, since we’re imagining the worst-case scenario, let’s consider that you’re likely to lose electricity during a fire. In this case, it’s best to keep a portable generator and set them up to automatically turn on your sprinkler systems.

Keep Flammable Things at Bay

Of course, you want to make sure that your surroundings are free from combustible materials. According to the LA Times, citizens in the most dangerous zones must surround their properties with non-flammable surfaces, like rock mulch, gravel, and concrete. You can keep small, moisture-absorbing plants as long as they’re well-spaced. If you want to keep other types of plants, be sure to maintain your greenery by removing dead leaves.

With the worsening case of climate change, wildfires are almost impossible to prevent, but there are plenty of ways we can protect ourselves from imminent danger. Remember to follow these simple precautions to get a better chance of surviving natural-occurring blazes.

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