Through Different Spaces and Different Places: Having a Job That Moves You A Lot

Businessman in the airport

Quite frankly, almost all careers can take you to different places. That is if you are willing to uproot yourself every few months or years. However, there are also people whose jobs require them to move from one country to the next. A lot of these folks tend to have a relocation specialist that will take them from one day in Hawaii to Kansas on the next.

It can be exhausting having to move now and then, with all the packing, storing, and a plethora of scenarios deciding whether or not you’re going to keep that shirt or sell it.

The logistics of it all can be overwhelming at a single thought which is why relocation specialists were born. They are capable of having your current home sold or rented, depending on your preference. These experts can also take care of all logistically-related objectives, even making sure that your family pet is transported comfortably and safely.

Having a family that you also force to move around the country or the world can also be a daunting experience, especially with the kids. Children tend to blame adults for the loss of their friends caused by the constant move. Luckily, relocation specialists assure parents that their children are enrolled in the top schools of the target area so the kids wouldn’t have to worry about the loss of their social life anytime soon.

In the past year, LinkedIn studied the commonalities among movers. These are the following skills that movers are most likely to have:

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Java Development
  • Life Sciences
  • Military, Defense, and National Security
  • Foreign Language Translation
  • Public Policy and International Relations
  • Software Engineering Management
  • Retail and Wholesale
  • Management Consulting, Business Strategy, and Analysis.

If you’re someone who loves traveling but is tied down by a job that keeps you cramped up in an office for eight long hours, do not worry. There are a ton of job positions that are readily available for people who like “working from home.” Luckily, these same job positions can also be done for the heart that is full of wanderlust.

Here are a couple of jobs that can quench that travel thirsty soul and with little training:

Freelance Writer

Writer working in a cafeContent is a huge part of a business’ front-end which is also why the demand for content writers have grown in the years that people have started going digital. Something as simple as the caption of an image was carefully crafted to drive traffic to the business. This position would require to create a portfolio of sample articles as well as an extensive vocabulary that is ready to create copies that will sell.

Online Tutor

Online school is becoming more and more popular these days and with that, so are online teachers and tutors. Most parents who also strive to achieve the best for their children even turn to companies who provide online tutoring services to advance their kids’ academic standing. If you’re someone with a degree, you can likely teach a subject or two at the elementary level.

Having a job that moves you around a lot can be both stressful and fulfilling. It all boils down to how you handle the move.

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