The Characteristics of a 5-Star Hotel

bedroom interior

There are a lot of hotels out there, but only a few have had the privilege of being named a 5-star accommodation. And that title is what many hotel owners are after because having it would name their establishments as one of the best in the world. With a 5-star title, they can put their hotels at the next level.

But what exactly makesa 5-star hotel? Whether you’re a hotel owner with the goal of making your hotel worthy of 5 stars, or you’re just really curious as to how the judging goes, this article is for you. Here are the characteristics of a 5-star hotel.

Aesthetic appeal

If you’ve been to a 5-star hotel, then you know how beautiful it is both inside and out. From the architecture to the small accents and decorations, everything is of top-notch quality and outstanding beauty. There’s a hint of sophistication in every corner and area, from the front desk all the way to the rooms.

Appealing to all senses

Sure, a 5-star hotel is undoubtedly appealing to the sight. But that’s not all it takes to get the title. Every single part and aspect of the hotel should appeal to all of your 5 basic senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste.

When you enter a 5-star hotel, it’s like you’ve been taken to a whole other world because of the pleasing aroma surrounding the building. And even after leaving, you remember that scent. Music fills the air in the lobby, the front desk, and restaurant. Every single detail, from the doorknobs to the beds, are pleasing to touch and feel. And of course, the hotel food tastes absolutely delicious. That’s what makes a 5-star hotel.

family checking in a hotel

Exceptional service

Probably the bulk of the criteria to be named a 5-star hotel goes to service. After all, customer service is the most important aspect of any business. That’s all the more important in the hotel industry, where guests flood in and out every day. Hotels get crowded with people from different countries, backgrounds, professions, and personalities.

Admittedly, catering to people from different walks of life is not easy. There are challenges like language barriers, differences in preference or opinion, etc. There’s a saying that goes, “you can’t please everyone,” but a 5-star hotel can do it exceptionally well.

In order to be named a 5-star accommodation establishment, a hotel must have exceptional service. The staff must be friendly and helpful, all customers must be paid attention to, the service must be quick and flawless, etc. Ultimately, the customers might be happy and satisfied with their stay and sure to come back again.

Personalized services

As we mentioned, hotels are bombarded by people from different walks of life, hence, different preferences. Not everyone will like their rooms scented or their bathrooms with a tub. 5-star hotels know how to cater to the needs of each and every guest staying in their establishment. They take note of things like what hotel supplies the guest wants in their room, what time their rooms should be cleaned, whether they want a wakeup call or not, etc. Having a standardized service will not please everyone, so 5-star hotels must go above and beyond to make each of their guests happy.

There are a lot of things that come into making a hotel an exceptional one. Hotel owners work their whole lives to make their establishment worthy of 5 stars. Ultimately, only hotels with these characteristics can obtain the title. And they have to stay consistent too, otherwise, they’ll run the risk of losing one or several stars.

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