The Cafe Hustle: Standing Out in a Crowded Industry

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Coffee is the most sought commodity in the world next to oil. Consumers worldwide drink over two billion cups daily. With coffee being in such high demand, it’s no wonder cafes keep popping up everywhere.

But cafe owners like yourself know that demand isn’t enough to guarantee your business’s survival. The past years alone have seen the coming and going of several cafes, along with different trends. Tempting as it can be to join the next craze, doing so might not be your best move.

Pleasing customers and getting regulars require more practical improvements than you think.

Let It Sparkle

Cleanliness is part of your cafe’s brand. It’s something customers notice from afar, starting with your signage and any display you have outdoors. The observation continues as they make their way in. With a glance, they can take into account coffee spills, dusty decors, and floor stains.

No matter how well you design a place, failing to maintain its cleanliness can be a turn-off. Customers will leave for a better cafe, and cities like Brisbane are never in shortage.

Establishing good practices makes for a more lasting solution. This is especially true with your bathroom. Hourly cleaning is a must to make sure that your trash bins don’t overflow.

Don’t delay bathroom renovations when fixtures become damaged. Modern facilities with a consistent supply of tissue paper, soap, and hand sanitizers go a long way in customer satisfaction.

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Let Them Excel

Your baristas play a huge part in acquiring regular customers. The way they present themselves and converse contributes to the overall experience people get from your cafe. While it’s good that you hired the right people, you can turn them into a more significant asset by investing in their training.

Furthering their coffee education propels their careers, which shows your excellent leadership. When employees know that their bosses are willing to invest in them, they’re less hesitant to leave. Employee retainment, in turn, improves people’s view of your cafe. It makes it easier for baristas and customers to establish a relationship.

Training, though, shouldn’t only be about coffee. Even the most efficient barista benefits from learning about customer care. The experience must exceed customer expectations for it to be excellent, which is exactly what you should aim for.

Let Them Know

Why is your coffee unique? If there’s anything your cafe should be known for, it must be the quality of your coffee. If you’re sourcing ingredients from other countries or using equipment that others don’t, let customers know. Some people love to know your views, not only on coffee but also on business. Sharing that you support Fairtrade and eco-friendly practices can make them prefer you over companies that don’t.

Your baristas should know these details by heart as well so that they can respond to curious customers. Educate them on the campaigns and causes that your business supports, and think of how customers can participate.

Will ten percent of your revenues go to an orphanage in need? Do you organize charity events they can donate to? Whatever it is, you can use it to create a sense of community that they’ll keep coming back for.

Cafes nowadays sell more than just coffee. Customers crave a particular experience with each visit to your cafe. Don’t be afraid to try new things and make improvements based on feedback. It will help your company grow in many ways.

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