Ready, Set, Move: 3 Ways to Make Moving Homes Easier for Teens

Couple packing things to move

Moving homes is always an emotional journey. Whether you’re relocating because of a career change or a problematic neighbor next door, regardless of the duration you’ve spent in your current home, there’s always some tugging sense of separation anxiety from that space. For teens, however, that emotion is magnified.

For the most part, their home environment is very much part of their identity. Leaving may mean getting out of their comfort zone, saying goodbye from friends, and finding the new normal again. All of which may be too overwhelming for your teen, so do your best to ease the transition for them. Here are some tips to do that:

1. Ask for their inputs about the move

If you’re still at the stage of house hunting, involve your teen. When you include them early on, the reality of the move will be more real to them, and they can start dealing with it at their own pace. Plus, they’ll appreciate you acknowledging that their say on this family matter matters.

There are lots of ways to involve them. For one, you can ask help from them in checking out homes in real estate websites. They would definitely know how those filter options in searches can work best to your advantage. You may also take them in one of your property visits. Let them be your designated photographer. Do check out some family-friendly condos in Metro Manila. Most of these developments are near top schools in the country, so that would be beneficial for your teen’s education.

2. Talk to them about organizing a farewell party

Farewell party dinner
The biggest source of anxiety your teen will have in this move is their friends. If this isn’t properly addressed, this might trigger depression once you’re already settled in your new home.

Encourage your teen to say a proper goodbye to their friends. You could throw a farewell party, like one last sleepover at your current home. A simple dinner would do, as well. Just make sure that whatever it is you’re planning should be aligned to what your teen wants. Don’t be pushy. Take your cue from them. If time, logistics, and parents will permit too, invite your teen child’s friends to your new home. This may help in giving your child a semblance of normalcy in the new environment.

3. Get them excited about the move

It’s a given that you’ll explain the reason behind your relocation, but it’s better to go beyond that. Hype up the excitement. Talk about the move over the dinner table, at the car, or while you’re watching home renovation shows. Tell about that cute, artsy cafe you discovered near the condo you’re moving. Ask them which paint colors and furniture they’d like to put in their room. Show them pictures of the vast green spaces and infinity pool in your condo complex.

The principle is rather than letting them wallow at what they’re leaving behind, give them something to look forward to.

Again, relocations can do a hard hit on your teen children. Pay close attention to their emotions when you tell them about the move. Remember these tips to make the transition a little less jarring.

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