Improving Yard Drainage: What Steps To Take

yard drainage

When your yard is prone to flooding, then you have a yard drainage problem. This may not seem too bad but it can be surprising how a wet yard can be bad. For one, you won’t be able to properly maintain it with all the wet spots. The muddy tracks can also be a problem. Finally, the water can seep in near to your sidings and foundations, causing damage.

Proper yard drainage eliminates all these problems so here are some of the things you can do.

Improve the Soil

One common cause of drainage problems is the presence of clay soil in your yard. Clay is very dense which means rainwater does not pass through it like normal soil. To help with these, you can take a few steps to improve it. A popular method is to add more organic material to the soil. Adding compost is the most effective means, though you have to avoid compacting the soil.

Build a Sump Pit

Sumps are usually found inside a house, in the basement. This is because their main purpose is to collect all the water that is not able to leave through the normal routes. You can build your sump pit in your backyard. Dig one in the lowest part of your yard so that gravity would naturally draw all the extra water to it. Preferably, you will want to position it as far away from your house as possible. You also need to line the bottom with concrete so all the water doesn’t seep into the soil anyway.

You should also be able to get a sump pump to help remove the collected water at some point. It should be easy to find submersible dewatering pumps in Australia that can do the job.

Extend the Downspout

man adding tubesMuch of the water in your yard comes from the discharge of your gutters. All that water has to go somewhere and your downspout usually aims for the yard. With a sump put in place, you can invest in additional piping to reach the sump. This ensures that the water goes to the right place. This option is the simplest out there and doesn’t cost much.

Build a Rain Garden

Despite the sump pit, your yard may still be extremely prone to moisture and flooding. The best way to deal with too much water is to work with it. For example, creating a rain garden is a great solution for your yard. This is because it combines improving the look of your backyard with solving your drainage. All you need is to pick plants that can soak up a lot of water and plant them in a section of your yard. They will naturally absorb the water and you can even combine it with creating a nice little habitat for frogs, insects, and natural wildlife.

Proper drainage, both inside and outside of your home, is key to avoiding water damage. All it takes is a bit of planning and you can be sure that water won’t be a threat to your house. Besides that, it ensures that your yard won’t always look like a swamp after a rainstorm.

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