Home Cleaning Businesses and the Pandemic: Thrive amid a Crisis

woman sweeping the floor

Since the start of the pandemic, a lot of people have become more conscious of cleanliness. The virus can easily spread from one person to another, and it could also be transferred through different objects. While the demand for professional cleaning services in commercial and industrial settings has spiked, residential cleaning businesses faced major setbacks. Why? It’s because people are reluctant to allow just anyone to step inside their homes, even if the purpose is to clean and sanitise. The reason behind this is that people have become afraid of the risks of exposure to the virus. Therefore, people would opt to clean their homes on their own instead of hiring residential cleaning services.

However, some homeowners would admit that they are not confident about their cleaning capabilities. Those who wish to disinfect and sanitise their homes fully would disregard the risks and pay for home cleaning services. Amidst suspensions of cleaning services, the need to maintain cleanliness at home will always be necessary.

Although some customers are still willing to pay for home cleaning services, it cannot be denied that the number of customers has decreased significantly. As a result, home cleaning businesses are facing major financial and growth setbacks. Below are tips on making your home cleaning business thrive despite the challenges presented by the pandemic.

Take Care of Your Employees

Prioritising your employees will help pave the way towards finding a sustainable solution to address the challenges presented by the pandemic. Your employees are always on the front lines of all your business’ efforts to help control the impacts of the pandemic. However, most home cleaning business owners fail to secure labour protections and healthcare coverage for their employees. As a result, their setbacks are exacerbated because they have to deal with employees who get sick on the job.

Having sick employees will take a negative toll on your business’ reputation. Ironically, your business’s purpose is to provide cleaning services to your clients so that they can get rid of viruses and bacteria. Yet, the real threat is your business because you are sending sick employees who might compromise your customers’ health and well-being. Protecting your employees is a good way to protect your business and your customers at the same time.

Enhance Training and Cleaning Practices

Dealing with the pandemic is risky and challenging. Therefore, you need to enhance your employees’ training and cleaning practices. Investing in personal protective equipment (PPE) will give your clients and customers the impression that your employees do not pose any risk to their health and well-being. Furthermore, they will also notice that you are doing your best to protect your employees from the virus and other related health risks.

Although you may not change your cleaning protocols, you must still train your cleaning teams on the guidelines for disinfecting and cleaning homes. You need to make sure that your cleaning protocols are more thorough since your goal is to eliminate exposure to the novel coronavirus. The better your employees are at accomplishing cleaning protocols, the more clients and customers you will gain and retain.

woman cleaning a surface

Diversify Your Services and Enhance Your Marketing Strategies

You can diversify your cleaning services by offering new services now and then. You can offer carpet cleaning services, furniture cleaning services, and even car cleaning services. Since home cleaning services are generally about sanitising and disinfecting your clients’ homes, you can offer deep and thorough cleaning services for an extra charge.

You can advertise these extra services so that your clients and customers will know that you have more services on offer for them. Enhancing your marketing strategies will also help especially if you explain your cleaning protocols thoroughly. Emphasising safety measures that you will apply during the cleaning process will help your clients and customers understand how you plan to guarantee their safety while cleaning their homes.

You can create a page on social media where you can post pictures of your employees wearing PPE, pictures of satisfied clients, and comparison photos to show how well your cleaning services guarantee the cleanliness of your clients’ homes.

Residential Cleaning and the Pandemic

Although the pandemic has caused major setbacks for most residential cleaning companies, there are a lot of things you can do to guarantee that you retain your old clients and customers and gain new ones. Enhancing your marketing strategies, diversifying your services, looking after your employees, and enhancing your services are all good ways to help your home cleaning business thrive despite the pandemic. Don’t let the crisis take your business down; learn how to thrive despite it.

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